China x Brazil Trade
SP, August 17th 2009

China fascinates me, for its growth capacity, for its logistics, prepared and ready to welcome Century 23rd., and for its tradition, so rich in stories of overcoming difficulties and in lessons to the West.

Luckily, we are getting closer and closer to this nation, both because of being part of the BRIC countries- (Brazil, Russia, India and China) - a new name given to us by the rich countries, and because of our international trade.

Brazilian Agribusiness is the economic branch that has generated more resources for our Trade Balance.

Here, I would like to digress and remember that China holds foreign exchange reserves in excess of US$ 1 Trillion and that it is the largest sovereign fund in the planet.

Trade between the two countries has become more intense in the last three years, and in the first semester of 2009, China surpassed USA´s leadership. Today, nobody dares to challenge the fact that the relationship between Brazil and China will be even closer in the coming years.

Between January and May, 2009, trade between the two countries turned over US$ 13.36 Billion, with a surplus of over US$ 2 Billion on our side.

In 2.008, the best year in the two countries´ relationship, trade turned over US$ 36.44 Billion, with a Brazilian deficit of US$ 3.63 Billion.

Brazil has suffered comparatively a lot less from the impacts of the world crisis, but it is still striving, and needs special care, especially regarding agriculture, which, contrary to what happens in other countries, does not receive agricultural subsidies, nor has serious agricultural or sustainability policies, but, notwithstanding, is growing, thanks to the hard work, research and perseverance of the private initiative, that has always believed in our agricultural vocation.

Below, a chart with data related to Brazil x China Foreign Trade (US$ Billion).

Let´s go ahead, since it is almost September, time to go back to the fields to plant the seeds of profits and prosperity.

Elizabeth Chagas

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EC Assessoria Background...
  After working for 30 years in the agribusiness and logistics areas, executive Elizabeth Chagas, attentive to the development and potential of the Brazilian agribusiness, noted that, to that time, small and medium-sized rural producers did not have at their disposal consulting services to meet their demands in their expertise areas which are import, export and domestic and international logistics... [more]  
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