Who is Elizabeth Chagas
From leading companies to a solo career in consulting services
Although she has always worked in a predominantly masculine world, that of agribusiness logistics and international commerce, Elizabeth Chagas reached in December 2007, the maximum level in that segment, as winner of the “Most Influent Women in Brazil”, in the agribusiness category, promoted by the Gazeta Mercantil newspaper. In March 2008, she received the “IV Woman Excellence Prize” granted by CIESP - Centro das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo. With her dynamism and broad market vision, she had previously been elected one of the most important women in the world in the fertilizers area.

For 30 years, this executive woman has been operating in the import, export and logistics areas of leading companies in their segments. For 20 years, she managed the domestic and international purchase areas, as well as the logistics of Copas, then one of the three largest and most reputable companies producers of granulated fertilizers. Looking for new challenges, she was hired by the Rodrimar Group, where she managed two port terminals in Santos, with fertilizer cargos. Later, she excelled again managing the supplies and logistics area of Tortuga, Brazilian leading company in the animal feed area. She was responsible for the partnership of ASBRAM (Associação das Indústrias de Suplementos Minerais) with ANDIFÓS (Associação das Indústrias de Fosfato na Alimentação Animal), in launching a campaign to teach rural workers to use the mineral correctly for their herds.

In 2007, with her strong market vision, she realized that there was a lack of professionals with her experience to provide assistance to small and medium-sized rural producers. It was then that she decided to create EC Consultoria, specifically focused on this market, providing support to its clients in the import, export and logistics areas.

Thus, EC Consultoria was established in July 2007, imbued with a philosophy that guides its actions and guarantees that its clients assume a proactive position in their businesses, anticipating possible opportunities and avoiding management actions that may threaten their enterprises, thus maximizing their results. EC Consultoria is aligned with the fact that “there exists a world being totally transformed, requiring creative changes with easy solutions and intelligent execution”, says Elizabeth Chagas.

EC Consultoria is aligned with the fact that “there exists a world being totally transformed, requiring creative changes with easy solutions and intelligent execution”, says Elizabeth Chagas.
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EC Assessoria Background...
  After working for 30 years in the agribusiness and logistics areas, executive Elizabeth Chagas, attentive to the development and potential of the Brazilian agribusiness, noted that, to that time, small and medium-sized rural producers did not have at their disposal consulting services to meet their demands in their expertise areas which are import, export and domestic and international logistics... [more]  
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